Looking over work I could submit, sadly my lack of constant final image production left me with little choice over what I could use to present myself. This is unfortunate but a strong testament to a weakness of mine; an inability to focus on a final piece. Ideas? I got ideas; pouring left right and centre. Finalising though, different situation. Its not that I don't finish projects; its that I have trouble pouring time into making a polished piece rather than craploads of scribbly drawings.
I can see the positive side of quick drawing skills because it lets me get ideas out like POW POW POW! but getting someone to dribble over the concept, that I need to work on.
So, the pieces I chose are these three. They're all examples of my illustration but they show different elements of it.

I was originally going to submit some of the 'Ron' sketches I've been working on but, the dog theme helped the 3 images to work better I feel and they're a bit more presentable so, I hope I've made the right choice and net myself a bit of student debt killer!
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