They're quite erratic-looking, as ideas are really but basically they're examples of me feeling out what emotions the character might express frequently and what that might look like. There are also some ideas for themes of episodes or side characters.
Fear and concern, very blue emotions shown here. You can see here I'm using a much looser drawing style than Tony's and this is for a couple of reasons. It's faster when idea generating and usually I find it's a quick way of making an image more kinetic and eye catching.

A sock puppet which here looks very lively and dragon-like, despite the drool. The general idea of this is that the character would have a sock puppet with him which he whispers to, or is much more involved in the stories, by being an actual character, perhaps alot wiser or much more crazied than the protagonist; anything to supply some kind of contrast of character really. Maybe the puppet could inform most of the character's important decisions or could try to purposely attempt to disrupt him. It could be a blood thirsty maniac but it's spirit is trapped in a lowly sock puppet. In this case, maybe the character aquired it through some voodoo ritual or found it in a bin when he moved in, which used to be the house of said maniac who blew himself up or made some crazy deal in which he'd be this puppet for some reason. Or maybe it was bestowed upon 'Ronnie' by a crazy god child or something.
Anyway, you'll see it pop up in a fair few of the sketches.

This is what I can only describe as an aztec yam. Maybe 'Ronnie' eats these regularly or is under the delusion that he started life as one or that one of them in particular is actually his mother. I like the sworls around the yam, they make it very mystical.

Yeah, I'm not even totally sure whats going on in this picture. I think his body consists of only the top half of his head, his legs and his arms which now come out of his ass. Either that or they're pink tusks. Also he's bald and has attempted to paint his own hair back on using a mixture of rose water and chocolate milk. Obviously.

This is 'Ronnie' being heart-broken over his delusion that the sun no longer pays him any attention like is used to. Or maybe he's right! Either way, I like how non-surplussed the sun looks here, possibly rolling it's eyes back as if to say 'oh jesus, not him again'.

Woodland nighttime lightning-strike fun. Possibly nude running in the dark in the middle of a storm. His eyes looked glazed over; he's seen something darker than a thousand midnights.

And here, in the guise of some sort of bean. could be a side character.

This is where the side characters really come in though.
HIS DOG (?) WITH NO EYES! or it should have none, but a strange grey dot has appeared in the left one completely ruining the effect .. . .

A friend (CatJess) gave me the idea for 'Ronnie' to have a 'number one fan!' who follows him around relentlessly or turns up at inoppertune moments and makes poor mimickry of 'Ronnie''s habits. I think it's a pretty good idea for a creepy or adorable side character but I think he will become annoying the fastest his personality at the moment is based on a more pathetic version of the protagonist's.
Here he is dressed as a potato/peanut.

Three possible episode ideas or themes. Well, i guess eggs and ham are one really because they're very Suess-centralized. The idea with 'ghost worms' is some sort of plot around discovering a graveyard for worms or having to find a continuous supply of worms or worm-like things for some spectre to consume. Really, I just liked how the colours and the shapes in that image went together so I'll run from there.

And here he is with a sailors cap and some hairy hairy arms. And he loves it.

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